Are you afraid for the freedom of all "free countries/states"...I know I am.
I am making this a forum for the free speech of those who are not for Trump. For those who are afraid of what he is doing and what he will do.
IMO this man is against anything or anyone not for him. Those who are afraid of what he is/will do are welcome to post. Please no spam...racist remarks...extremely rude names, etc. We are adults and can put up with offensive words....but I do not want really offensive language. There are different words for people who are *ahem*......f-ers, "N words"......other than that, I can't think of any more horrible words/names. (in re: ass biggie) We, being adults, can deal with most words........if you can't then oops, sorry....find another blog please! This will be a safe place to tell it like you see it. Jokes, venting, memes will be welcome. Just no porn.
I got tired of getting tirades against me just because I can not stand Trump and feel he is going to bring down my beloved USA and do horrible things to other countries in addition, but I want to be able to go somewhere and vent!
I use to think Trump had *some* good ideas, but lately, I can not see them. I feel he is a dictator in training......Hitler, Mussolini, Hussein....they come to mind.
US citizens are paying HUGE amts. of money to protect him and his family at the Whitehouse AND NYC........oh, lets not forget Mar-a-lago!
Because his wife doesn't want to leave NYC because of their son's schooling....I am sure D.C. has some good private schools for him to attend. I think there should be some new "rules" added to becoming the president of the USA.
1. Make showing your tax returns MANDATORY BEFORE you run for President and V-P.
2. You and your family and/or anyone else needing guarding 24/7 should live IN the Whitehouse.
3. There should be a "cap" on amts. of money spent on vacations, etc.
There are more things I can and will comment on....but this is a beginning!
NOW.......On to see if this blog makes it or fails! XX it makes it for people who love their freedom and democracy......In the USA and 'round the world!
I am still new to this, as I did try back in 2011 to blog about whatever it was I wanted to blog about, but it got nowhere....let me try again, with your help!