Monday, March 6, 2017

Trump's Tweets
     Although I do have a Twitter account, I do not use it much.....I find it too confusing. I would rather FB. Anyways...............
WTH is with Trump now??? He is paranoid and mentally unstable and the Republicans in charge NEED to get him tested and >>>>GONE<<<<
We are now to believe that President Obama ordered wiretapping on Trump Towers during the campaign???......I want to laugh, but after everything that has gone on, I do not feel it is laughable now. Trump decides to throw out anything that hits his paranoid mind and tweets it! People need to stop coming to his side and get him out of office and get some help! He is a liar and I feel a cheat.
He drew in hopeful & needful people and they voted for him because of his "promises"........"promises" that have not come to fruition,  and in my mind, never will. He just sold his "snake oil"...........I hope and pray people stop believing him and taking his side. I pray those pro-trumpers can come to their senses and realize they have been taken by this "rube"'s not their fault they believed him......he lied to everyone!